
Dizigui (The Rules for Students) Classical Chinese Course – Chapter 2

September 23, 2022

This is the second chapter of Di Zi Gui (The Rules for Students). The first chapter’s lessons and a short introduction to this book can be found here.

Below are the video lessons for chapter two.

Here is the text of chapter two below.

Chapter 2. Standards for Younger Brothers When Away from Home

Chū zé tì
Standards for Younger Brothers When Away from Home

Xiōng dào yǒu, dì dào gōng.
The proper way for the older brother is friendliness; the way for the younger brother is respect.

Xiōng dì mù, xiào zài zhōng.
When brothers are harmonious, that is in itself being good to parents.

Cái wù qīng, yuàn hé shēng.
When money and material things are taken lightly, how can resentment arise?

Yán yǔ rěn, fèn zì mǐn.
When words are tolerated, anger naturally dissipates.

Huò yǐn shí, huò zuò zǒu,
In eating and drinking, and in walking and sitting down,

zhǎng zhe xiān, yòu zhe hòu.
the elders go first and the junior persons go after.

Zhǎng hū rén, jí dài jiào.
When an elder is calling someone, immediately call that person for the elder.

Rén bú zài, jǐ jí dào.
If that person is not there, go to the elder yourself.

Chēng zūn zhǎng, wù hū míng.
When addressing a respected elder, don’t call him by name.

對尊長,勿見能 。
Duì zūn zhǎng, wù xiàn néng.
In front of a respected elder, don’t show off.

Lù yù zhǎng, jí qū yī.
When meeting an elder on the road, quickly go up and bow.

Zhǎng wú yán, tuì gōng lì.
If the elder has nothing to say, retreat and stand respectfully.

Qí xià mǎ, chéng xià chē.
Get off if riding a horse, get out if in a car.

Guò yóu dài, bǎi bù yú.
Wait even after the elder passes, for a hundred steps or more.

Zhǎng zhe lì, yòu wù zuò,
When the elder person stands, the junior person stands,

長者坐,命乃坐 。
zhǎng zhe zuò, mìng nǎi zuò.
when the elder person sits, only upon being ordered does the junior person sit.

Zūn zhǎng qián, shēng yào dī.
In front of a respected elder, one’s voice has to be low,

Dī bù wén, què fēi yí.
but if it’s too low to be heard, then that’s not suitable.

Jìn bì qū, tuì bì chí.
Approaching an elder one must hurry; leaving an elder one must be slow.

Wèn qǐ duì, shì wù yí.
When asked a question one rises and answers, without moving one’s gaze.

Shì zhū fù, rú shì fù.
Serve the elders of your father’s generation like serving your father.

Shì zhū xiōng, rú shì xiōng.
Serve the elders of your big brother’s generation like serving your big brother.


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